Monday, August 18, 2008

Random 10 (and an apology)

Hm. Blogging seems like fun; all I needed was a little prompt. Well, I guess since I was tagged by this, I get to write my own.
Once you've been tagged, you write a post with 10 weird, random facts, habits or goals about yourself. You cannot tag the person that tagged you (Jess, in my case); so, let me know when you are done with yours so that I can go read your blog answers. Here are my ten:

1. I like looking at time travel. The order and mysteries of this are like fog; most people ignore it, but I am trying to see through it. Maybe later I'll post some of my theories. (

2. I am a pack rat. Whether it is coins, coders, or computer programs, I like collections. Still, I can draw the line at junk, but always remember that everything has its individual function(s).

3. I am a code monkey. As I mentioned in #2, I have many different coders, which range from C++, Java, to text-based and object-based game creators. I don't know why I like collecting them, but I do enjoy the final results.

4. I am a gamer. Video games, especially ones like MYST, are what I like to call "fun," "challenging," and perhaps "exotic." To play video games is one thing; to exercise the mind, another.

5. I live a quiet life. The fact that I'm having trouble coming up with something at #5 says that I could be living my life more outwardly, and have more things to blog.

6. I am a caffeine-free code monkey. True, I fit most of the stereotypes associated with said template, but to the others that I do not: #5 is not a statement of my wanting more peer pressure for this role. I want to write code, not blow my savings on Mountain Dew.

7. I am an optimistic pyrophilic hemophobic pacifist. I like fire and peace, but if I see blood, something is wrong. Perhaps nothing (optimism), but who knows. War is terrible. Some may say otherwise, but this is me talking.

8. I like the powder from Frosted Shredded Mini-Wheats, or the generic of said cereal. Nothing to it on this one, except that the powder moves like Jello when milk is initially poured on it. Easily as sugar-based, naturally healthy.

9. I have no idea why this list has taken me three days to finish, despite the fact that there was a weekend in it.

10. Houston will be hot. The "rules" said that the list was supposed to be random about me, and it will be.

For all the faithful bloggers out there, I apologize in advance that you will have to wait two years or more until my next blog.